Category: Chronicles of Absurdia

Long-form discussions of various topics usually weekly in occurrence.

How Winnie the Pooh Surpassed Star Wars as the 3rd Highest Grossing Media Franchise

In a plot twist more unexpected than Jar Jar Binks’ continued existence, Winnie the Pooh has quietly slathered honey all over the ambitions of the Star Wars franchise, emerging as the third highest-grossing media empire. Yes, you heard it right. That honey-obsessed bear, who can barely put on a pair of pants, has outperformed lightsaber-wielding […]

Boundaries of the Mind: Absurdity, Truth, and the Human Experience

The potency of the human mind is unparalleled, yet we resist truths that make us uncomfortable. Indeed, the incredible power of the human mind is often constrained by self-imposed boundaries and societal expectations. We have the capacity for profound creativity, deep understanding, and remarkable innovation. Yet, we frequently shy away from ideas that challenge our […]

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