Could AI Writers Become Better Than Human Writers?
Let’s put our futurist caps on for a moment. It’s 2035, and the New York Times Bestseller list is dominated by AI-generated novels. War and Peace 2.0 by GPT-10 is the most talked-about book of the year, lauded for its “emotional depth” and “stunning insight into the human condition.” Meanwhile, human writers everywhere drown their […]
Are Songwriters the Sages of Our Time?
In today’s world, it seems influencers and self-help gurus seem to have become the new prophets. So, it’s almost quaint to consider that our deepest truths might be found in the lyrics of a rock song. Yes, the greatest wisdom of our era isn’t delivered from a mountaintop or between the pages of a bestselling […]
Why We Need to Stop Seeking Problems in Search of Solutions
In this glorious postmodern age, in which we enjoy more solutions than actual problems, we seem to be inventing problems just to keep ourselves entertained. It seems in the globalization of humanity we’ve collectively decided that life would be too dull without a few manufactured crises to spice things up.After all, what’s the point of […]
The Bridges and Barriers of Common Language
“The limits of my language mean the limits of my world” – Ludwig Wittgenstein, Philosophical Investigations For years, I’ve felt that nearly every single word I utter is but a shadow of the thought I wish to convey. Indeed, human expression is often forcibly funneled into the narrow alleyways of symbols and allegory, what we colloquially […]
The Postmodern Content Creator Economy
In the twenty-first century, every waking moment for a content creator is calculated towards appeasing the ever-hungry beast known as the algorithm. What a time to be alive! Forget about tortured artists starving for the sake of the craft; now, we have hustlers fueled by energy drinks, furiously tapping out tweets at 2 AM, all […]
The Whacky World of Inflation and Cost of Living
We’re living in a time where the cost of living is skyrocketing like a renegade balloon that’s slipped from a toddler’s grasp—only this balloon has no intention of coming back down. Instead, it’s floating up, up, and away, dragging our wallets and sanity along for the ride. Inflation and the cost of living have decided […]
How Winnie the Pooh Surpassed Star Wars as the 3rd Highest Grossing Media Franchise
In a plot twist more unexpected than Jar Jar Binks’ continued existence, Winnie the Pooh has quietly slathered honey all over the ambitions of the Star Wars franchise, emerging as the third highest-grossing media empire. Yes, you heard it right. That honey-obsessed bear, who can barely put on a pair of pants, has outperformed lightsaber-wielding […]
Boundaries of the Mind: Absurdity, Truth, and the Human Experience
The potency of the human mind is unparalleled, yet we resist truths that make us uncomfortable. Indeed, the incredible power of the human mind is often constrained by self-imposed boundaries and societal expectations. We have the capacity for profound creativity, deep understanding, and remarkable innovation. Yet, we frequently shy away from ideas that challenge our […]
Why Niching Down is Wrong
In a world that champions specialization, I dare to hold an unpopular opinion: I don’t like niches. While the value of niche expertise can’t be denied, the societal pressure to conform to a single niche is, in my view, profoundly limiting. We’re constantly told that success comes from being the best at one specific thing. […]