Walkie Talkies #3 – Karaoke and Cover Art
So, after taking a couple days off from walkie-talkies due to a complete lack of sleep and several other projects that demanded my attention, I’m back to meander about my house while I discuss a quote from one of my recent readings. Today’s walkie-talkie is based on a quote from Rob Sheffield in his book […]
Walkies Talkies #2 – The Water Bill
Today’s quote that I randomly chose for this episode of Walkie Talkies is one from the incomparable Henry David Thoreau in his classic book of essays, Walden. He writes, “It is well to have some water in your neighborhood, to give buoyancy to and float the earth. One value of even the smallest well is, […]
Walkie Talkies #1 – The Girl Who Fell to Earth
Quote for today: “My one snapshot memory of that film is not having to act. I wasn’t of this earth at that particular time.” (Bowie in 1993 on his role in the film “The Man Who Fell to Earth”) Welcome to my first edition of Walkie Talkies where I pace around my property and chatter […]