Category: Life and Times

  • Time is Our Most Valuable Resource

    If there’s one thing that absolutely perturbs me about 21st century society, it’s an obsession with time management. Yes, our limited time on this earth is our greatest and most valuable resource. But my experience is that many folks spend more time overoptimizing our schedules and actually waste time in the process. In gathering my…

  • Why You Should Be an Enemy of All That You Read

    There’s an old quote by Ibn Al-Haytham — Alhazen as he’s known in the West — where he declares, “The duty of the man who investigates the writings of scientists, if learning the truth is his goal, is to make himself an enemy of all that he reads.” Now, Alhazen is mostly known for his…

  • How to Manifest Our Own Private Heavens

    The art of asking the right questions is the key to true wisdom and productive manifestation. But what exactly are we trying to manifest? Many of us try to manifest money and status, both which are considered integral parts of success. But what we should really try to be manifesting is our own private heavens,…

  • Wikipedia Speedruns and the Interconnected Nature of Knowledge

    When I first came across the concept of Wikipedia speedruns, I thought they were a pretty stupid idea. Not that they were a bad idea per se, but the idea of a speedrun is that it’s something measurable across time using a medium that’s static. As soon as conditions change, that speedrun must be adjusted…

  • Writing About Difficult Things

    I never wanted to write what everyone else wrote. No, I needed to express the topics everyone thinks about at one time or another, but I have neither the words to describe nor the guts to relate. Yet, as a writer, lately I’ve reduced myself to revisiting past scribblings of topical articles, delving deep into…

  • Butterflies and Rainbows

    Life isn’t always butterflies and rainbows. For us mere mortals, life is often like trudging through a murky swamp. If there is an occasional butterfly flitting by, it’s only to remind us that not everything is pure misery. In our darkest moments, when we seek guidance from peers and loved ones, we’re insisted to do…

  • Zero Discrimination Day

    For the past eleven years, March 1st has been the day we observe Zero Discrimination Day. Being quite vehemently opposed to discrimination, the worst anti-humanist behavior of all time, I must write something about recognizing this day. Observed annually on March 1st since 2014, Zero Discrimination Day started as a campaign launched by UNAIDS, the…

  • Setting the Record Straight on Life, Love, and Loss

    In response to A Reflection On Love, Loss, And What Remains “Dearest Emily, Indeed, it was time for me to move on from our life in Vermont. And you’re right, not all love is meant to stay put in one place forever. I know you haven’t made sense of my departure just yet but watch…

  • Why Your Personal Traits Matter More Than You Think

    I was taught at many points in my childhood that character determines your fate. The common consensus is that nothing can be truer when it comes to your personal success and happiness. Ultimately, it’s not what you know or even how hard you work that determines your success – it’s who you are. If you…

  • My Choice to Publish a Book Without an Agent

    Literary agents play an essential role in the world of publishing, providing a bridge between authors and publishing houses. I have all the respect in the world for the talented literary agents who turn writers’ dreams into tangible realities. But, while they have proven to be indispensable for many, some authors choose to forgo an…