Noughts and Crosses and Kitties
As Tom got the brand-new Leica SL3-S camera yesterday, she gave me her Leica Q3. Naturally, I wanted to take something really cool with it, and I had an idea of having my vinyl kitties from Sailor Moon – Luna, Artemis, and Diana – doing various activities. Tom suggested tic-tac-toe, and I immediately gravitated to […]
How the Fast Food and Fast Living Culture of the Postmodern Era is Destroying Our History
Recently, my wife and her friends Luke and Lucas from the YouTube channel Luke Explores checked out the now long-abandoned I-86 Diner in Parksville, New York. It’s a relic of the grand tradition of American dining—one of many across the nation buried beneath the weight of greasy takeout bags and UberEats orders. Thanks to what […]
Scenes from the Shelburne Museum
Tom and I journeyed to Shelburne, VT yesterday to visit the Shelburne Museum. It’s half-price admission for Vermont residents, which makes it well worth the ninety minute trip from our house. You actually get a two-day pass for the half-price deal, but my legs took a beating from all the stairs in the old houses. […]
A Photographic History of the Brooks Bluff Cottages of Downeast Maine
In 2007, I was one of the last people ever to stay at the Brooks Bluff Cottages in Robbinston, Maine. While planning a short trip to Maine, I naturally looked up where I used to stay, knowing full well that the 20-plus acre property was mostly unused for nearly a decade before it eventually sold. […]
Stunning Photography Changes Lives: An Interview with Photographer Thomas Slatin
“It’s the little things I see that most people don’t. Like the way birds fly backwards, forwards, and fall. How butterflies dance around in the air as if they’re weightless, and how flowers sway organically in the wind. Perhaps I care too much, and dive too deep.” —Thomas Slatin Thomas Slatin is a master photographer […]