Who Has Helped You to Flourish Today?

close up of lotus flower

I’ve always wished for my words to touch people’s hearts and minds in a way that will lead them to improve both themselves and the lives of others. The truth is, we all have words that can do that, right here, right now, wherever you are, what ever it is you might be doing.

I want to ask, who has helped you to flourish today? If the answer is “no one” or you’re unsure of the answer, count me as someone who wants you to flourish right here today. 

I want you, whoever you are, wherever you are reading this, that I care about what happens to you, because you are beautiful and human, and you have value and purpose simply because you are here and have unrealized potential.

All I ask is that you take just one moment and write just one true sentence. Just like Ernest Hemingway once famously advised, if you’re ever feeling stuck, the best thing to do is just write down the one thing you know to be true more than anything else right now. You can leave it as a comment, but you don’t have to. Just write it down, on your smartphone, your computer word processor, or better yet a spare piece of paper.

You don’t have to be a writer to appreciate the power of a single sentence. Once that sentence is realized before you, the words take on brand new levels of meaning. Know that in what you consider your most present truth, all the insight you will need to take your next step forward is right there in those words.

So, for now, here is my sentence. 

We all have the right words to say, but we don’t always know what they mean.

~ Amelia Desertsong 

Amelia Desertsong is a former content marketing specialist turned essayist and creative nonfiction author. She writes articles on many niche hobbies and obscure curiosities, pretty much whatever tickles her fancy.
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