Is It Possible to Live on Art Alone?
As a huge fan of the hit Discovery show Mythbusters, I was surprised to learn that Mythbusters Build Team member Kari Byron had written a book called Crash Test Girl. It took something like two weeks to show up in my box (thanks extremely slow postal service) but it was well worth the wait. I […]
How to Be Among the Stars
One of the few good memories I have from junior high school was a motivational poster that read “reach for the moon, because if you don’t make it, you’ll be among the stars.” This poster quote has rarely left the back of my mind. After all, if you shoot for the moon, but can’t quite […]
Possessions as Reflections
Let’s dive into an intriguing quote from Jami Attenberg’s book “I Came All This Way to Meet You: Writing My Way Home.” In one chapter, she muses, “What are our possessions but an extension of our aesthetics?” For a little context, Attenberg is a renowned American fiction writer and essayist. She’s the author of a […]
Mindful Monday Roundup – 2024-03-18
Last week’s Mindful Monday Roundup was a bit of a travesty, highlighting only a single YouTube video. Albeit that was an important video in my opinion, but this week I’ve endeavored to share three things. I’m very picky, both because I have multiple other writing projects to tackle, and I don’t want to waste your […]
Mindful Monday Roundup – 2024-03-11
Every Monday, I chronicle posts I’ve found during the week that motivated or inspired me in some way. Some weeks I may not find much, so if I don’t post one of these one week, expect there to be a much longer one in the future. But this week I decided to dedicate to a […]
Mindful Monday Roundup – 2024-03-04
Once upon a time I was quite active in the #MotivationMonday social media community. But after awhile, people started just sharing the same quotes and the same canned cliches for motivation and inspiration. I went through some dark times and gave up on the whole motivational / inspirational tag train But, recently I’ve come across […]