Creativity Means Letting Go of Certainties
“Creativity requires the courage to let go of certainties.” – Erich Fromm Imagine for a moment that we lived in a world where the concept of gravity didn’t exist. In such a world, apples don’t fall but instead float. We would walk not on the ground, but through thin air. Such a drastic reimagining of […]
Why You Should Follow Your Curiosity
Without getting too philosophical, I have found that spending my time investigating obscure curiosities is the best way to not get too involved with the problems of the present moment. One of the great paradoxes that exist within the human mind is that both the past and future. Neither actually exists within the present, yet […]
How Forever is Composed of Nows
One of my favorite Emily Dickinson poems, and I have so many, is one often referred to as “Forever” or Poem #690. I’ve always been particularly fond with her poems that deal with two of her favorite themes, time and mortality. But when it comes to the line “Forever – is composed of Nows,” that’s […]
The Confederacy of Dunces
“When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him.” – Jonathan Swift, Thoughts on Various Subjects, Moral and Diverting John Swift’s aphorism about the Confederacy of Dunces is more than just a quote from a great 18th century essayist. It […]
Look Out for the Locomotive (Photos)
“Steaming Tender Trains” Copyright Amelia Phoenix Desertsong 2024. All Rights Reserved. Taken with my iPhone.
Why You Always Should Underpromise and Overdeliver
Throughout my professional life in digital marketing, I often would witness patterns that underscore foundational truths about business, trust, and ethics. Over the years, I have found that the simple salesman ethos of underpromising and overdelivering isn’t just a professional virtue. In fact, it’s a life principle that can save time, heartache, and resources. Much […]
Why I Quit Ghostwriting
While I’ve been writing professionally for more than a decade, I have written mostly as what is known as a ghostwriter. That is, someone who has ghostwritten articles and website copy. When you think about writers—or just about anyone who creates something from scratch—it’s natural to expect their process to start with an idea and […]
Smiling While Running
In her Substack newsletter post entitled “Just Smile and Glide,” Jamie Currie discusses one of her running friends. She remarks on his beautiful running form, comparing it to that of the legendary Eluid Kipchoge. I’ve never been a runner myself, as I prefer brisk walks for my exercise. Still, I’ve always been fascinated by the […]
Finding Common Ground
Years ago, a friend of mine and I discussed an important idea about human relationships. He argued that we should focus on where we agree with others, rather than where we disagree. This struck me as a good concept to ponder further. Eventually, my thoughts on the matter grew into what became this essay. Basically, […]