Is a fictitious work actually ever just fiction? Once the words unfold a scene and characters come to life in your mind’s eye, is it any longer only fiction? If a work is truly memorable, then it becomes part of your life experience. It then becomes much more than fiction because it morphs into part of your own truth. So, then what is just fiction?
While those people, things, and events you read about may not have actually happened to you in your daily existence, in your mind and in your memory, they did. Perhaps, our lives are all a great work of fiction, a grand lie authored supposedly for our benefit, but rarely ever giving us a fair piece of the action or the profits.
I could go on for some time proving to you that certain things I write about didn’t actually happen, or I didn’t actually feel such a way about a particular thing. Perhaps, I was simply bullshitting for the sake of creating art. Or, I could try and convince you that everything you know is but a lie, crafted for the benefit of someone else.
Participating in a little make-believe is hardly bad. It’s vital to play, in fact. There’s such a thing as too much work, and balance is important. My greatest issue is that people will often take things simply at face value without trying to better understand why they are as they appear to be. People in our day and age covet gossip, half-baked ideas, and “half-truths” — if there’s truly such a thing — that can only go on to damage our perceptions about things. In a sense, we all play make-believe even when there serious things abound.
Too many of us take misinformation to heart without using true powers of observation. I’m not saying this is true of everyone. Sometimes, I make sweeping generalizations to my own detriment. But, overall, I see far too much in the way of lies and fables that people come to accept as part of their own truth. Unfortunately, these lies often are made to the detriment of others by warping their perceptions of what’s actually true. In the end, the believers are the ones that take fall, not the originators of those lies.
For this reason, I aim to make sure everything I put in print is true as I see it. How I may dress my words, my opinions, my reflections, and even my own fables and fictions may appear to be little more than cleverly crafted lies. But, I can assure you there are always veiled truths within my words, if and when you consider them long enough.
~ Amelia <3