The Influence of Charlotte’s Web on My Writing Life
As a six-year-old girl, I was an untamed spirit, a spark plug of curiosity with an innocent heart. My world was full of wonder, and my fingers had just began to trace the intricacies of its design. While I don’t recall how I came to have a copy of the classic story called “Charlotte’s Web,” […]
Reluctant Protagonist
Ever since my teenage years, I’ve cast myself as the reluctant protagonist of my life’s tangled narrative. I believed, perhaps naively, that by positioning myself as the central figure—often cast in the role of a tragic hero — I could somehow claim redemption in the grand arc of my poet’s soul, tethered reluctantly to this […]
Has Your Writing Become Too Predictable?
Have you written something you hope will spark joy and thought in your readers, but as you re-read your work, a sinking feeling unsettles your stomach? You get a nagging sense of Déjà vu. It’s like you’ve written this before — or something eerily similar. You start to wonder: has your writing has become so […]
Getting Back in a Groove with Writing
Over the decades, I’ve weathered entire weeks when my usually reliable companion, the art of writing, will slip away from me. There are entire months when I’ll be suffocated by the weight of writer’s block. My creative spark will seem snuffed out like a candle in the wind. So, as someone who often writes about […]
In Hopes of Corralling My Writing Flights of Fancy
One day not so long ago, I awoke with many scattered thoughts, as I often do. As usual, many of them escaped me like a flock of startled birds as I lay there in the haze of my waking moments. Once I finally rose to start my day, their chirps had faded into the distance, […]
Seeing Only the Good in Others
In my youth, I was one of those rare souls who seemed to see only the good in others. For so long, I was innocently blind to flaws, captivated by the glimmer of potential in everyone I met. For much of my childhood and even young adulthood, I roamed the school halls and my neighborhood […]
Trains to Infinity
I often find myself chasing slumber on a nightly basis, with restlessness my constant companion. After searching for months on end for a solution, I happened upon a deceptively simple remedy. YouTube has a curious niche of videos that are endless loops of trains headed towards infinity through an endless rainstorm. They go on for […]
Writing Soup
“Soup” is one of my favorite words in the English language. It’s such a pleasant word. When you think of soup, it’s comforting. However, the actual meaning of ‘soup’ is pretty cut and dry. This is the Oxford Dictionary’s definition of soup: “a liquid dish, typically made by boiling meat, fish, or vegetables, etc., in […]
Scenes from the Shelburne Museum
Tom and I journeyed to Shelburne, VT yesterday to visit the Shelburne Museum. It’s half-price admission for Vermont residents, which makes it well worth the ninety minute trip from our house. You actually get a two-day pass for the half-price deal, but my legs took a beating from all the stairs in the old houses. […]