On a cold and cloudy Monday morning in February 2023, Emily Slatin and I decided to take a day trip to Glover, Vermont to check out The Museum of Everyday Life. When we arrived after a three-hour trip, it appeared a small, unassuming outbuilding, but inside was a grand variety of obscure curiosities. I’ve never seen so many odd, but wonderful things all collected like this. Unfortunately, as it’s a self-service museum that’s not heated, I was only able to visit for a short time before the cold got to me.

I took about thirty photos. Also, I took some photos of the exterior with my Fujifilm professional camera. Without further ado, here is a small sampling of what this curious, unusual, and perhaps entirely unique museum has to offer.

With the FujiFilm:

With my cellphone camera:

Em and I planned to visit again, but it just never happened due to the museum being wrecked by a rough winter and flooding. We did leave a five-dollar donation and took five postcards in exchange, as that was what they suggested to take for that level of donation. It takes about six hours of roundtrip travel from Rutland County, so it’s best to plan to be around Montpelier if you’re considering visiting it (if it still even exists by the time you’re reading this!)

Are there any curious and obscure places you’ve visited recently? I’d love to hear about them in the comments!

~ Artemis Desertsong